Sunday, November 25, 2012

{ let the swapping begin! }

Okay friends, for those of you who signed up for the Favorite Things Holiday Swap, I've sent emails out! You should receive an email tonight with the name and email of your swap partner. PLEASE email your partner asap to get shipping information! Remember, this is only fun if you participate! Thanks to everyone who signed up!

How was everyone's Thanksgiving? I got food poisoning Wednesday night, which was awful to say the least. While the hubs made pies, I laid on the couch and slept most of the day. I started feeling a little better by Thursday late-afternoon, but the day just wasn't the same, which stinks because I usually really love Thanksgiving day- helping in the kitchen, football, pre-dinner walk, etc. 
Thankfully, the hubs enjoyed the whole day, including dinner.

Did anyone go out shopping on Black Friday? What did you think of stores opening on Thanksgiving night? Personally? I think it's terrible. Let's go back to stores opening at 4 AM on FRIDAY! Let the poor employees enjoy the entire Thanksgiving day!
I did hit up the JoAnn sale (later Friday morning) to get some scissors and ended up spending about $100 on stuff I really didn't need, took about 3/4 of it back on Saturday. (Buyers remorse anyone?)
Oh, and I cut my hair! They say not to make sporadic decisions when you're pregnant, however I think I made a pretty good choice! (taking a photo on instagram sans makeup? probably not the best choice - ha)

And even though there is still one more week of November, I have my Christmas decor up, and I love it! When do you usually put your decor up?

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

So sorry about the food poisoning. That happened to me a few years ago, but it was on Christmas. Just terrible. I love your new cut. It looks alot like mine and it's the best hair decision I've ever made. You'll be glad once the baby comes! You can't put it in a pony too well, but it'll force you to shower and doesn't take too long to fix.