Originally posted April 2009....
How was your April Fools? Good? Did you get pranked? Or maybe you were the prankster! Well, I love me a GOOD, hilarious, April
fools joke! I wanted so badly to prank Andrew first thing in the
morning yesterday, but I knew if I started too early, he'd be more
suspicious the rest of the day, hence ruining all of the greatest
surprises I had in store for him.
Right before noon, I could contain myself no longer though, and called him.
Him: Hey Honey, what's up?
*big sigh* Well...I just got rear ended. Yeah, it's pretty bad. I think
it's totaled. I'm just sitting in my car waiting for the police to show
up. *another big sigh*
Him: What?! Are you serious? Are you okay?
*trying soooo hard not to laugh* Uh, yeah, I'm okay. But you know the
first thing the girl said to me when I got out of the car to see the
Him: Was she rude?
Me: Not really...she said, "APRIL FOOLS!!!"
At this point I was laughing hysterically. He...not so much.
his way home from work, Andrew called to see what was for dinner, and I
casually responded, "Oh, I don't know. I'm not really in the mood for
anything but pie, so we'll see." I don't think he believed me until he
got home and saw that I had something baking in the oven and I was
stirring some pink, fluffy stuff (which I told him was the pie
topping...you know, kind of like a meringue). He looked at me like I was
crazy and said, "Are we really having pie for dinner!?" and I
simply replied, "Yeah. It just sounded so good!" Then, while he was in
the shower, I quickly got the "pie" out of the oven and "frosted" it
with the pink fluff. When he got out, I said, "K, let's eat!" He did a
double take at the "pie" and then back and me and just shrugged. It
wasn't until I dished it up that he realized it was meatloaf with mashed
potatoes on top! He ended up loving it and thought it was not only
delicious, but it was a great prank!
FYI: The meatloaf recipe
I used was delicious! I didn't put it in a pie crust though, and I used
instant mashed potatoes (rather than real) and colored them with a
little food coloring (instead of adding pured beets) since Andrew hates
The last prank I pulled was by far, the BEST! I could hardly restrain myself from laughing every time I thought about it. Here's what I did....
P.S. This is not for those who have weak stomachs....don't say I didn't warn you!

we went to bed, I literally had to bite my tongue so I wouldn't laugh.
The moment of pure elation happened when Andrew flipped the covers down
and saw this. He took a step back, eyes wide and mouth open in a look of
shock. Then he looked at me.
I tried to look as
surprised as I could and yelled, "Bad cat!", but it came out more like
this, "Bad ca-ha-ha-hat!" as I was laughing so hard. It took him a
minute to realize that they were faux terds and then he had a good laugh
Sorry, honey! I can't wait for next years pranks!
hahahaha, I remember that... good one! mom
Ha ha ha ha! That is funny!
that is so funny... I love a good april fools
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