Tuesday, July 23, 2013

{ DIY no sew binkie holder }

When you have an infant, it's important to have a binkie on hand at all times. I should know. A few weeks months after I had Baker, I was finally brave enough to take him out and about. He usually did great and slept 95% of the time. Because of this, I got a little lackadaisical about making sure we had a binkie with us. Then one day he woke up while I was running errands and started crying. I rummaged through his diaper bag & couldn't find his binkie anywhere, and I could not console him. As his cries got louder and more intense, I finally had to abandon my cart in the middle of an isle and rush home to find his bink. After that, I decided I'd never leave home without a binkie and made a couple of holders.
My friends, you don't have to be stranded without a binkie. No more worrying about it falling on the floor and boiling them multiple times a day. You too can live a life free of binkie worry. And you don't even have to sew. Here's how...


McCall said...

Cute! Those only work until they start crawling. Then, the binkie drags on the ground and gets all nasty. Just like their little hands and knees. But then, they start walking, and you can clip them again. The circle of life!

Anonymous said...

love it! mom